Tuesday, 22 October 2013


Why did we include Paris in our trip? This is the question we were asking ourselves on the train from Amsterdam.

Come to that, why leave Amsterdam at all?

Before I answer that question I've got to rave about the train journey. Let's just compare it to a flight. You have to be on the platform 2 whole minutes before the train leaves. There are no security checks. You keep your luggage with you. You don't have to wear a seatbelt. The windows are big. The cabin is light and airy. It's quiet. You have loads of leg room. There is always a view of the countryside. But trains are slow, right? This train went at three HUNDRED kph!

For all the differences, one thing was the same. As we walked down the platform a rather badly-behaved black labrador came along and was jumping up at this bloke beside us. It was a real nuisance. Thankfully the dog's owner came along: a large policeman from the drug squad. Europe may be more liberal, but it's not all as liberal as Amsterdam.

So back to the question. Why Paris?

It took us about an hour to remember why.

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